
Advanced text editor


Kate is a multi-document editor part of KDE since release 2.2. Being a KDE application, Kate ships with network transparency, as well as integration with the outstanding features of KDE. Choose it for viewing HTML sources from konqueror, editing configuration files, writing new applications or any other text editing task. You still need just one running instance of Kate.

With a multi-view editor like Kate you get a lot of advantages. You can view several instances of the same document and all instances are synchronized. Or you can view more files at the same time for easy reference or simultaneous editing.

Application Features
* window splitting (horizontal & vertical)
* multi-document interface (MDI)
* plugin: embedded terminal, SQL plugin, build plugin, GDB plugin, Replace in Files, and more
* session support

General Features
* encoding support (Unicode and lots of others)
* bi-directional text rendering support
* line ending support (Windows, Unix, Mac), including auto detection
* network transparency (open remote files)
* extensible through scripting

Advanced Editor Features
* bookmarking system (also supported: break points etc.)
* scroll bar marks
* line modification indicators
* line numbers
* code folding

Syntax Highlighting
* highlighting support for more than 250 languages
* bracket matching
* smart on-the-fly spell checking
* highlighting of selected words

Programming Features
* scriptable auto indentation
* smart comment and uncomment handling
* auto completion with argument hints
* vi input mode
* rectangular block selection mode

Search & Replace
* incremental search, also known as “find as you type”
* support for multiline search & replace
* regular expression support
* search & replace in multiple opened files or files on disk

Backup and Restore
* backups on save
* swap files to recover data on system crash
* undo / redo system

Repository Source
Download Size
6.5 MB
Source available
Productivity , System and Utilities
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