Generic spell-checking dictionary library
Enchant is also meant to be used in a cross-platform (XP) environment. Part of this means that Enchant wants to limit its number of external dependencies to 0, or as close is as humanly possible. Also, any enchant consumer (i.e. a Word Processor) should not need to know about what backend providers Enchant knows about. In fact, Enchant shouldn't even need to know this information itself. To accomplish this, all of Enchant's providers are DLLs.Enchant is also meant to be used in a multi-user environment, such as Unix.It is preferable to have both a $USER and a $GLOBAL location for both provider DLLs and for dictionaries themselves, when possible. Enchant's DLLlocation algorithm takes this into account, and gives preference to the $USER DLLs, when found.